"...making that strand more concentrated until it's a rich vain and not a weak imprint!" by Catherine in a blog.
How can you concentrate anything unless you line breed? That's number one reason breeders do it IRL, she says as she lovingly admires her spectacularly bred domestic fancy rats nearby.
Or how can you concentrate anything if you don't even know what at least some of the hidden traits your Roos are carrying?
How else might someone concentrate your lineages?
And a big high-five for this from Ronin, "...And I pay no attention to generations, we were told right from the start every meeroo has every gene."
I have had no problems getting goodies out of mixed gens. Or keeping my near-elder Gen 2's mated together (or mixing/line breeding at times, too).
I also have wanted to propose something about personal regard, but may get flamed for my speculation.
We seem to hear so many yelling that their super high regard doesn't seem to matter.
I have a couple ideas about this:
1.) Since Malevay insists this game is meant for very long-term participation, what if even 500k isn't considered "high" in the grand scheme of things?
2.) What about those folks who have mega-released simply for the regard (especially the super-chesties I'd imagine)? Might the database realize that and have some sort of...trying to find the right word but best I can come up with right off the bat is "penalty"...might the system discount that somehow compared to those who have gone up in regard more sequentially? Yes, I know releasing is your friend, but might the system have a modest number of releases at any given time in mind and perhaps anything way over that kinda gets ignored?
I have no evidence to support this, these are just possibilities I've wondered about.
In my own experience, I have not released a single Roo or nest since I began shortly after the game went live. I began with six but now have about 94 live Roos now and 160'ish nests. I use varying breeding tactics and experiment often, whether it be generic pit, eyes, gens, excruciatingly deliberate based on data crunching, line breeding, etc etc. I pet like mad and try to do the Oracle. My personal regard is Level 18 at 51,779.
I've managed to turn out short tails, reds, sierras, autumns, and amber. And none of these are higher than Gen 4. I don't have the prims to coax my gen 5 nests, so I'm still playing with 2, 3, 4th gens.
I think regard does play a part, but I sense maybe there's some kind of limit set in place on, perhaps based on what Gens we're at in the game. Those uber high regard players...those points might not count so much *right now*...but may be a big boon (and a leg up) later on.
Do I think breeding matters? Darn right I do. I'm very happy with where I am at in the game, and am confident I'll be seeing those Niles and Kois popping out in my own breeding.
Since Malevay has done tweaks on making regard count a bit more (which I'm not sure that hasn't actually set us back a bit somehow)...they obviously have an idea of where we should be at at this point.
Regard is obviously not the KEY factor...or at least it's not a factor that stands by itself. Oooh, there's a thought! Maybe it must be linked to a generation. Hmm didn't they say that, too, in so many words?
Thank you for considering these possibilities without flaming! hehehe