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Scooby's Topic of the day: WTF is taking so long? Mating.

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Hello everyone, if you haven't noticed by now when breeding, Lazy's and Shy's usually take a long time to make a nest once in season, well for me at least, and especially if you are mating one of the personalities with a friend.

Anyways I have two aggressive's in season Rise, and they came in it last night after 9pm SL time, and now it's like 1PM the next day, and they still haven't made a nest yet!!!!!

WTF is taking so long? lol.... Do I need to play some Barry White? Get them in the mood.

haha, they have made two babies before, are they juiced out or what? Is my activity set wrong, are aggressives to slow for insane or hyper?

But anyhow as for the topic, have you noticed Lazy's and Shy's take forever "although it seems to be my two agressives today"

Unless there are two lazy's then yeah they mate quicker than a lazy mixed with a shy, or a shy with a friendly or something, they mate alot faster when compared to the same personality.

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