
Well I received a cheerful notecard in world a few days ago, didn't think about posting it here, but anyways first off I want to say, I do NOT take credit for these jokes, and if the person who created them reads this, cheers for you....
Lets all pitch in and make more addiction jokes, this can be a game for "we" as the community can make up so when you post, try your best to make a joke, this should stay as a fun thread, anyways here are the jokes I have gotten in a NC.
...... You have to pay just one more visit to the auctions before bed just in case noone has bid on that cheap roo you wanted
..... when by the time you finish petting your roos its time to start over again
...... when you have to delete half of your house just so you can birth that Highland coat you just got
..... when you take time off work to stay home with your meeroos, in case you miss something
.... when you whisper to your significant other "..will you please pick me up and snuggle me"
...... when your significant other dons a fur coat and chirps in order to gain your attention
...... when you prod the jelly trifle to see how many nibbles there are left
..... when you're getting intimate with your partner and you say hang on I've had a nest
..... when you start to find novel ways to attach your roos to look like part of your outfit so you dont have to leave them behind when you go out
..... when you ask your new boyfriend if he is shy or friendly....just to see if he is compatable
....... when you check your significant other's eyes to see if they're dusty or clear
..... when you fall pregnant just to see if you can discover a new coat
.... when the sign on your house says, "Welcome to Our Stump"
... when your kids leave toy canoes around the house and you grab them saying yay 50 regard points
..... when your kids leave apple cores on the counter and you run around yelling "woohoo treasure!!"
..... when you go through the rubbish bins in case there are any regard points in there you missed
...... when you tell your significant other you won't have sex until he builds you a proper nest
..... and you know he is a roo addict when he responds.. is that a 3 or 4 bedroom nest dear
...when you used to sim hop to see different sims..and now you sim hop to see different meeroos
....when you have a party and you pass out huds just to get people to pet your meeroos
......when your conversations with your RL partner while on break at work is disucssing which meeroo should breed together
.....when you tell your SL boss you can only work 1 hour shifts because you need to get back to pet your roos
........when you go to a sex sim and meet someone and your opening line is, "Hey you wanna pet my meeroo?"
....when you see a potential partner and you click on them to see if they're compatible
....when someone asks you a question and you get it right and cheer saying I am on a streak of 30 today
....when every meal is 'nibbles'
.....When your sl house isn't big enough and yo