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Regard Does It Work

geoman pinazzo's picture


Does your regard really help or the roo regard. In a simple word YES!

So lets explain....
I have placed 2 roos with amber off spring. Both are reds. The very first baby was garbage. Then I decided to leave it for another breeding. The roos where like 600 Regard. The next baby they made was a Amber an now the roos had 1200 or so regard. So it a nut shell yes regard of your AV and the ROO do work.

But hang on
What about roos with 7500 is the max. Well I think alot are placing to much on the regard. The percentage seems to be really small. Get your roos to 1200 or so.

Levels Maxxed?
Well the level is nothing more then a number 25. If you notice your regard is still climbing. So when they have time to add more levels one day you will see level 32 for example. Your regard of your AV is still building.

So consider this... AV regard(points) X Roo Regard(points) = Something......

You drop a nest... the nest contacts the server.... a little math formula is done. But its more then that. You have blood lines in the back of the roo. If you are expecting to have 2 roos at 7500 then you think I should get a KOI OMG!!... That is just crazy. I would be paying people every hour on the hour to pet. LOL.

Just have high regard on 2 roos is not going to do it. You have to also consider what bloodlines are in the 2.

So say I have a starter KOI and I pet that thing to 7500 and breed it to a wine. Some would think a KOI not always. When the math formula runs... it checks the database and now the database takes that number and says 1 of 7 roos can happen. Which one who knows. Poof a nest. You could get a KOI or just a fawn over and over.... It is more then regard.

Place 2 Pure bred koi together an now when the formula runs it hits the database... 2 pure breds... 1 can only happen OR a new roo. So you actually put the odds in your favor to make what you wish.

I would say the regard is like 1% maybe less on what happens. But when breeding off spring that 1% could make the difference in the fawn or the Koi.

So breeding a line of coat with pure breds compared to a starter will give you what you want. With a starter you have to actually take it down 2 generations then back up into the one you started with to reenforce with what you are trying to make. So a starter KOI will take much longer to perfect then a pure bred. Which is cool because the breeder who took the time to do that is now rewarded.

Any how thats my take on regard....

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