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Why I like the reguard changes - a positive post

Tyr Rozenblum's picture

So I was doing some thinking, and tinkering around with my own roos since head start (pre-release). I'm not scientific and I wont even pretend to act like I understand the math behind it. On thing I've heard over and over from the roo peeps is that anyone, will be able to play the game and earn awesome things, even if your reguard is low.

Now I keep reading that big breeders will win out with the reguard changes and prices will dump (seriously I dont care about that at all..) but in my playing around, I firmly believe the roo's personal reguard (how much you've petted that sucker), has more to do with breeding than the players personal reguard. I'm not saying out reguard doesnt play a part..but I think when it comes down to nests, it's more about the roos.

So for me, I'm happy to see all the excessive over petting go towards someone positive, and if you think about it (if i'm right), that gives the small breeders some pretty massive leverage over larger (because its easier to pet 2-20 roos, instead of 300).

I really have zero basis to go this, no spread sheets, no note cards. Just a hunch and watching the numbers of my own personal roos and what they give me as the gens fly by and the roo reguard goes up.

Anyway this is a whole lot of nonsense for me to just say, dont give up, there wont be a million niles and kois tomorrow, the sky isnt falling, your market isnt going to crash around your ankles for the roos to dig around in.

What is going to happen I feel is, we're going to see a more natural progression of discoveries (and the pool of genetics is big, so I dont mean just coats). And ALL of those roo's you've gotten hairy palms from petting excessivly, and always gave you fawns? Will have a better chance to offer you clear eye/teacup/giant/whatever coat you've been working so hard for.

Anyway...enjoy my typos, poor grammar, run on paragraphs and general gobbly goo. I'll be off pett'n the roos.


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