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Question regarding the anounced changes

Sanne Halberstadt's picture

ok I read the latest blog, and now I have one question.

once the regard system is changed, will we have to buy new starters or will we have a chance to get something *rare* from our existing stock?
(speaking about sierras, reds and autumns, perhaps short tails or chest and fluff or a different head atm, as these *are still *rares* for luckless lvl 21 me)

I ask because I know how Mendels laws works, and I have bred 4 generations of winecoats, fawns and ursines the last 6 weeks, so i wonder if there is an acceptable chance for *rarer* traits left at all in these offsprings?

sry I cant express it very well in english, but i hope its still understandable.
Mendels laws say, that recessive traits are getting stronger every time when both parents give their gens to their offsprings. and with my roos it was only wine, fawn and ursine, so these obviously dominant (tho i wouldnt consider ursine as extremely dominant) traits were getting stronger and stronger each time they had a nest. so after 4 generations i wonder if there can much other than common traits be left in them at all? or am I mistaken?

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