That petting slows down and you don't get your meeroos petted at all if you don't keep them and pay to keep them on the fellowship property! I am in one of the top 10 fellowships and worked my butt of to help keep it that way, but I tire of it now since I took my meeroos home, after all, with my own tiers to pay 1400 a week I can't afford to pay another. So how does one get their meeroos petted after joining a fellowship? Promises of this and that are great til it comes down to the nitty gritty..this is the 3rd I have tried and I thought I would be happy here...but if I pet others meeroos I bloody well expect the same in return! So Whos' Fellowship works hard at petting? Honesty now please, I would really like to know and be a part of a group that actually does..ty