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Broken Nests

Realest Waverider's picture

My poor Babies. My GF tp'd me to our land and said here buy these nests for 1 linden each and you can have them. I coaxed all 5 at the same time wearing the wrong group tag when i brought them on the same land. the coax counted down and upon zero i recived a message saying the owner of the land did not allow something, scripts enabled just need group tag to rez. So i went into edit and set to right group, nothing. took them and re rezzed them, nothing. Got GF to return them to re rez, nothing. They all sit on the land with the details above the nest stating what is inside. This does not dissapper. But when I wave my mouse over to select/ to get the drop down menu nothing regersters.I have filed a ticket and wait on a CSR to help out here as a few have tp'd to the land to see if they can help, nothing i hadnt already tried upon, like the re rezzing ect. Would like to know if anyone else has had the same issue and what was done to help. I will also update this with how thigs are going for me and my lovely babies!

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