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second nest

lamara Handsohn's picture

i had a male meeroo that had two nests, one was proper the second said awaiting female, so i knew to delete this one so i deleted it and then a day later was showing my sister my meeroo had a second nest, so i rezzed it from my trash and the male whose nest it was said im having a baby, blew the hearts the nest said empty and the male gained another 250 reguard, wat i wanna know is has that just screwed his breeding up will he not come bk into season til i rerezzed the second nest in 5 days or will he still come into season when he had his proper nest,

ps. i did try fileing a ticket but it wont let me with EI9 so i read on here someone telling u if this happens use the in world broswer i tried this and it wudnt let me log in kept saying access denied,

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