Is All our work going in Vain? That is my question to the meeroo staff and probably how everyone is feeling in the breedable market!! I have had many many conversations with many people about there meeroos and alot of peopel stick on there sims 8-14 hours, 14 hours being myself and my Wife, we pare them up do all the work and stuff petting them and such answering all the questions and want to throw the hud off when I am on a 11 streak again to only get a question wrong LOL, I understand fully that this is a game the creators have made and fully understand they are not like regular breedables, but at being level 12 some of us on level 20s and such for those who can spend hundreds of dollars on these roose and release them back to the wild but for most of us we are on levels 10-13 on adverage and work to make our meeroos traitables and such and my question is "Is all our Work Going in Vain? I have already seen 7 people walk because they work work work and gain nothing which is the whole point of a game you work and when you do a accomplishment you get rewarded well going on 24 days I hope that Mother Meeroo will give us a hint on something with the meeroos so we know exactly what we are doing wrong and right for all our hard work atleast a hint since the meeroos are not giving up anything and only a very few people are seeing the pelts and such Luck of the draw I guess, if that is the case Luck what is the whole point of regard and such and we are still stuck with nests that either need to be released or well frankly not to many want 2 and third common generations. there are to many Common nests now on the grid.
If you feel the same way I do please Continue this Post we want our voices herd to the meeroo staff and want to enjoy the game while we have earned our time and effort!!!!!
Devildog36 Python