Hi i have some idears that i think could inprove meeroos and make them easyer to use and more fun if any body els has any idears please follow up with idears and sujestions
~ Food Packs. I would love to be able to buy more then 1 pack of wild berrys as i have meeroos in more then 1 location so it would be gr8 if i could buy a pack of 5 or more
~ Also it would be good if the glow around the meeroo lasted a bit longer once thay have been petted as some times when its laggy by the time you petted that meeroo and gone to the next the glow has gone and you end up petting the same meeroos over and over again
~And attachment that players could were so other meeroo people could click on it and it will tell them what fellowship thay are in (if any)and how many regard point thay have and maybe a link to the webpage for that person so you can see what meeroos thay have for sale
Thats all i can think of right now but im sure as i go though the day i will think of other things so i will add more when thay come to mind if you have any other idears lease add them. hopefully somebody will read this and think our idears are gr8.
P.S sorry about the bad spelling