I find it funny how people not all but some are trying to compare the Merroo with the horses. I have had horses and i don't know maybe there is another set of breedable horses out there cause what is being said about them is no where even close to true and to me seems to be an atempt to scare or guilt the creators of the Meeroo into giving these folks what they want and that is to have all the rare and wonderful traits handed to them with no work just follow a set of instructions and bang there it is the ultimate Meeroo. I like the thought of discovery i love the idea that some traits will become unlocked as regard goes up it may take me time but i will get there when i am ready to get there and then i will wait and cross my fingers and maybe a couple toes in hopes to see the new genes exposed to my World of Meeroo I have created on my land. The people who are in a hurry should think of it simply as an investment for if it was truly as easy as following a preset bunch of instructions then everyone would have them and the fun would be gone. besides all that i remember going for a month or more and birthing 20 - 30 horses and never seeing a special trait and as far as the ultra rares like a charmed i know people who have breed hundreds of horses and never seen a charmed so please if your not happy with the Meeroo that is okay it happens not everyone likes everything but dont try and say that other Breedable ie. horses do things diferently and that the Meeroo should be more like that, either outright or in insinuations. There are diferences sure there are, they are different animals different creators ect ect apples to oranges kinda thing. it is statements like getting rares out of the starters i think it is cool that people are getting these in starteres but they are only truly rare because we have not seen many of them as yet no because they are some genetic wonder unlocked from regard or anything like that the Koi that is wonderful yup wish it was mine ( a little jealouse for sure) but mine will come sometime someday. an old addaje once said perfection takes time. I agree and the Meeroo have my time they are wonderfully crafted and amazingly cute they are fun and make me smile which is not an easy task these days and i am glad they do for i need to smilee it is good for our souls. Rather than complaining about the meeroo and thier short comings make a sugestion be constructive not harsh and insulting, these people spent A LOT of time making these and i was cheering for them from the day i first heard about them and i will keep cheering for a long time to come. I know this is a bit of a ramble but in short if you have an issue make a sugestion. dont compare the Meeroo to anything else in sl because other than the fact that the breed they are completely different from everyother item in sl and cant be held to the same standards based on that. and most of all Good things come to those that wait/ Perfection takes time.
Blessed be all and don't stress or hate it just needlessly shortens yours and everyone near you life span.