So far I have birthed a siera, a red and a stubby tail. Though i love the meeros i am concerned as some people got those traits direct from starter packs making me wonder what is a new discovery and what isnt. So far the only thing "new" is the koi.
I have been told Reds, Autumns and Sieras are starters - maybe not as common as Fawns and Winecoats but still u can get them direct from a starter.
Also is there really any reason for regard points?? The first person to get the rarest meero had no regard and the meeros only had like 500 regard points each. I know people who have 40000 regard points and have not birthed anything exciting but have wasted alot of money lol. If fellowship pts are just a simplified version of Tiny Empired and you get nothing out of it -would be nice to know.
Thx for listening