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Stump Change request & misc suggestions

StarSong Bright's picture

I would like to be able to turn off the verbose stump messages about resuming or stopping meeroo activity because no avs found. It can be a bit off-putting, especially if I have stumps in busy marketplaces.

Other problems I have noticed (listing them here before i forget, so please add to the list Meeroo devs!)

If you left click and hold on a live meeroo it will chat its stats into local. But this isn't the case for nests. If there isnt going to be an API then having the chatted info is the ONLY way to get consistant data. In case you all havent noticed, laggy sims are a real PITA when it comes to getting HUDS to show you updated info.

The lack of any kind of API for monitors, signs and whatnot is really horrible and makes the meeroos feel unfinished to me, not to mention the lost opportunities for meeroo related products.

I remember reading somewhere that siblings and parent child pairings will not work out, yet the hud doesnt show the parents? How can you tell the parents of a nest then? It should not be necessary to go to the www for this info.

WWW related suggestions:
Add the "my fellowship" and "my info" pages to the my account page for quicker access.

add gender/age to the my info page and make the columns sortable.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: