Sorry that's a long title, but, I think this is very important information.
Right now some folks have decided to sell their meeroos(nothing wrong with this, whatever tickles your pickle). I have seen a few people say "Buy here and we'll hold and feed for you until Saturday", which is wonderful and a great idea.
However I have run across a lot of others, who are not informing their customers, or potential ones, that food and stumps won't be made available until Saturday. I went wandering around today to places I saw listing ads, or places others saw ads listed to take a gander out of curiosity. I was a tad bit sad to see so many people really not taking others into consideration. Thankfully the recent blog touches on this, so we can point folks interested in buying *today and tomorrow* to that blog so they are informed(thank you again for that). I didn't want to add this part of my reply to the blog as it more addresses the folks who are selling, and not that particular blog post.
So I am asking you, *if* you are going to sell your meeroos, take it upon yourself to PLEASE inform your customers. I ran across a couple a few days ago who wanted some information. I handed them every possible bit of information I could find. I leave my inbox open for them(well everyone, lol) in case they have questions too. So they are well aware of what care meeroos need-as much as the rest of us. Today I log on to a very sad IM, asking for help. She was looking for food and a home(she now has a place to rez her roos safely until saturday, so it's all good). The person who sold her the Meeroos, did not have any sort of information out, explaining this fact. It wasn't until she saw the blog post actually, that she realized she wouldn't be *able to get food, or a home for her little couple until launch. I am sure that probably sent her into a mental panic(hey, it likely would most of us, lol). I felt bad. Yes it's on the consumer to know what they are getting. But at the same time, it's also on us, as merchants, to be as informative as we can, imo. At least in a circumstance like this, as it's a tad bit unique. It wouldn't be an issue *if* food and stumps were already out. It IS however an issue, because they are not. It's not as if this nice couple knew absolutely nothing about Meeroos. They were well aware they'd need a stump and food. Just apparently their understanding of the availability of food and a stump, was limited. She (wrongly) assumed that if folks were selling, that meant food was available-even if packs weren't. Is it there fault? Perhaps one could say so. I don't, though. Maybe it makes me a bleeding heart, lol, but I don't mind. I err on the side of caution, personally.
Please, if you're going to sell to folks, have some sort of a sign, a box that gives a notecard, something that lets your customers know this bit of information. It really serves us all well, imo. Not giving people a sour taste in their mouth before we're even out the gate is pretty important to me, as it should be all of us. At least anyone who plans on selling any of their meeroos. As in a way, it affects us all.
Throughout the day, I've seem more than a few people in a few different ad groups have a similar experience. Some had no information at all on meeroos, and bought because they were cute.(they do have a very appealing cute nature,lol). Some bought and then went to look for information on how to care for them. I'll admit I've done the same in the past with a breedable, lol. But at least once a product is launched, there won't be any difficulty feeding them.
Sorry that was long. I just have to admit it was a little bit disappointing to see so many folks selling without any regard to their customers. Yes, that's how I look at it, really. It's not the same as selling but agreeing to let the animals stay there until launch, so please don't misunderstand me on that. I just think we all ought to be looking out for one another, and at least for today, tomorrow, and until launch opens Sat. at 2pm slt... we need to be a bit more mindful about this particular unique situation we have here.