
Orlex knew she was there before she actually arrived. This wind leaves no questions. The Matron spun around until she was a small blustering wind, finally allowing her to take form. “I have done what you asked, I have the pickaxe of Pele.” “What do we do now, and why do you need such an object?” she whispered. Orlex took the pickaxe from her, he stood with it in his hands, holding it as if it were a fragile object. The Matron watch him quizzically. “I do not understand, you posses great power, this is a simple pickaxe.” She moaned. Orlex under his breath says “I don’t have time to explain, just focus on what I need….. Later I will be traveling with this to Hawaii and use the axe at the base of Pele in Kohala.” He then looks back at her. “ But first we have other pressing matters that need our attention. I need you to travel to the rainforest and get items from the Matron of Earth. Her assistance is needed first before we can use this axe, she will know what I require.” The wind nodded and disappeared into the sky, not asking why, she just went, she knew this was something that needed to be done soon.
When she arrived at the rainforest it did not take long for her to find the Matron of Earth. Plants and flowers grew immense in such size they covered every spot of ground it could. The Matron of Earth was tending to her garden when she felt the wind blow around her. “Wind.” She said smiling “What brings you to our warm and humid parts? There must be a reason.” A small pixie sat on the Matrons shoulder and giggled at Wind “Now Willow..” The Maton said sternly “We don’t tease our visitors.” Gale smiled at Wind, stood up and gave a small curtsy of respect. Willow suddenly noticed a small face peering from behind Winds long, flowing hair.. “Hello”, she said, who are you?” A small pixie timidly stepped forward onto the Matrons shoulder. “That is my pixie.” Wind stated “Her name is Gale, although she is shy at times, she is very friendly.. Now go on you two.. Go play..” Earth shooed away the two pixies, smiling as they whimsically flew together playing happily in the garden. “Although I must say your gusts are quite refreshing in this humidity, there is a reason why you are here so come on, out with it.” The Matron of Wind smiled. “I was sent here by Orlex. He has a message for you.” The Matron of Earth was intrigued “Really?” she said “What is it that he seeks?” Wind shrugged her shoulders “I do not know, but he did say you would know what he needed.”
The Matron Of Earth did know what he was seeking. Calmly, she put down her work basket and headed to the center of her garden. Wind could see her intently looking for something buried beneath the ground. Normally Azra would have fetched it for her, but now, sadly, Earth had to fend for herself “AH Ha!” Said Earth, “I have found what I am looking for, it was hiding from me.” She took out her special shovel and started to dig deep into the ground.........
Continued in world...
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