
Dear Community Members,
We are excited to announce that we have a new staff member coming aboard our team. Many of you know her as Estella Mystagic (Mystagic Resident). Estella is well qualified and has an extensive background in development and coding/scripting. She is well loved by the community and the staff. She is a perfect fit for our team. With that said, Levio, as most of you know, has taken a backseat in the company but will still be here in limited capacity.
We know the community will have lots of questions and comments. Please do NOT send your IMs to the staff but instead, make a notecard and place it in the mailbox on the ROO sim and we will blog the questions and answers several times a week. Thank you for your cooperation.
With this new development, we are excited about the new adventures and new developments with Meeroos. Let’s all wish Estella the best !!!
Moxie, Levio and Masq.
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