Well all, I finally just did it, I released every live roo I had left (was only 30 at this point). I have been letting the numbers dwindle and had not hatched any in quite some time, tired of waiting for the nocs, most had reached 50 now, I still even had some food left from the last big sale, but I let them all go anyways.
No, this isnt a "goodbye cruel world" post or anything like that. It's not a cry for help, or a screaming condemnation of the roos. It's simply a closure post, because unless when the nocs come out the breeding strategies have SIGNIFICANTLY CHANGED I won't be coming back.
I did something this past month I didn't think i would ever do, I started raising Amaretto horses again. And I realized all of what I was missing with the roos, a certain amount of certainty, a feeling like it IS actually possible to breed for coats and not get what appears to my eye to be random chance. The possibility of some random good things like charmed, show horses, rainbow prisms, elementals, albinos (got one right off - guess the horses missed me lol). The love the ability to try to breed for some of the random goodies - ie breeding element eyed horses together to possibly get an elemental, or breeding certain coats each month to have a chance at a show horse. Yeah, random. To me the roos feel random but there are no real goodies to get, nothing extra special, nothing that isn't supposedly already in there.
I believe Tad is right on course with his assessment of how the genetics are working, the problems with not having starters, the oddball way they are introducing new coats and traits. Frankly, to me, it's become tiresome to have roos that wont produce. I really hope that Tiger manages to fix all of these issues with the nocs, but I am tired of waiting and tired of throwing money away on roos that give me nothing but crap.
So, for now, and possibly forever, I am done with roos. I hope perhaps this closing post will give Malevey something to think about. It took me a long time to give up, as i am a stubborn person. Perhaps they will simply blithely continue, unconcerned about losing customers and marketshare. *shrugs* I know all the team works hard, I do, and I am not knocking that part. But the genetics of this breedable are crap as they sit now and the unending wait for nocs is very disheartening. I'm out.
Best of luck to everyone.
In Spires
aka StarSong Bright