Dear Development Team,
I love you very much. I would like to feedback that when you make roos from roo-heaven come down to SL Earth, that you make some of them superRARE, as in like, only 1 or 2 on the grid at any one time or never in double figures, this generates value and worth in such roos. Now I know you have to balance this up for everyone, but in life there are always rares..
Some Coats should be very rare, and just keep them rare, like the new Lotus, it looks rare at the moment, this gives it great value. I know you said you wanted coats to be common at some point, well I would suggest not to do this, and keep it so we have to work specific patterns to even come slightly close to it, as long as it is possible and not pure 'random number generator' created with the basic kindergarten genetic algorithm.
Now Traits, this was the factor that was supposedly the value creator for roos, once you have it have dominant, it no longer can be seen as a trait, it becomes commonplace almost, in fact, roos without traits will become the rares, and even considered 'backward' traited!! a naked roo!! pure!! that will create a reverse genetic psychology, the ideal of creating a perfect unhindered roo free from genetic mutation.
Also you want Diurnals to keep up with Nocs, so make more traits for them, give them a new hair trait, you can do a lot with hair, believe me, just don't give them kate bush hairstyles! or '80s mullet looks!
kind regards
Much Love