
I joined SL in 2009 and have since logged in maybe a couple of days a month until June last year. I've been here almost every single day since I got my first meeroo.
They are a fantastic creation. The animations, the textures, the programming, the genetics and the way it all works together.
Their eyes, the way they look dreamingly into space and then sudddenly focus on me followed by a happy little smile. The eager little chirps and upstretched paws that meets me when I log in (and the blissful silence when they all fall asleep). Tearing my hair to figure how to breed that evasive coat - and the triumph when I get it.
And all the lore and the things they dig up and the flash sales of beautiful meeroos and costumes.... The post will be too long if I try to cover it all :)
When I go back a year and look at the expectations I had, meeroos has exceeded them all.
A thanks to MS for never using our addiction against us by increasing prices on food or homes. Anything I have spent that I couldn't have counted on the first day I got my meeroos has either been cheaper (the mee-pet dipper) or something I don't really need to breed my meeroos, but just buy for fun or convenience (the petter).
I look forward to another exciting year now that the nocs are peeping out of their holes. And with two undiscovered species in line and lots of coats for bengals, welsh and burnings suns.
I do have one burning question for MS though: Will we ever get fluffy feet?