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General Meeroos

Chiiirp! Birrrt! Purrrrrrrr!

Jynx's picture

Gotta chuckle

I find it funny how people not all but some are trying to compare the Merroo with the horses. I have had horses and i don't know maybe there is another set of breedable horses out there cause what is being said about them is no where even close to true and to me seems to be an atempt to scare or guilt the creators of the Meeroo into giving these folks what they want and that is to have all the rare and wonderful traits handed to them with no work just follow a set of instructions and bang there it is the ultimate Meeroo.

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LuckyJunior Serrari's picture

Market Mode

I was just wondering if I set a Meeroo to market mode, do I need to have a stump and food nearby for it?

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Marv Sideshow's picture

New traits or what?

So far I have birthed a siera, a red and a stubby tail. Though i love the meeros i am concerned as some people got those traits direct from starter packs making me wonder what is a new discovery and what isnt. So far the only thing "new" is the koi.

I have been told Reds, Autumns and Sieras are starters - maybe not as common as Fawns and Winecoats but still u can get them direct from a starter.

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But I think it would be nice for a little notepad section on this site to maybe put our meeroo ids or other little note things. That way the information is available off of SL. I mean sure you can save it to your hard drive and as a notecard in game, but I don't know I'm weird and tend to group things together so like the option of being able to keep all my meeroo information here.

I'd also like something like the horses have where you can check their status outside of SL. If they have that already maybe some help pointing to where I might be able to find it.

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I am so wet behind the ears on this, but having so much fun with it too! I’d like to be able to trade some of my roos with my partners roos so we can get our pairs together. He has 3 girls and 1 boy and I have 3 boys and 1 girl. The thing that I am unsure about is how to trade with him.

Does he pick up the roos and pass it to me, then I place it down? I’m scared if I place it down its going to run away. How do I place down new roos that are already nested without them running away?

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For some of us, who are able to be on SL all the time we want the current four hour wait for player regard points is ok. That said, there are MANY players with full time jobs, full time lives etc, who cannot get in to SL on nice neat four hour schedules, and this system penalizes them. I would like to see an overhaul to the system to make it fairer for all players, regardless of how much time they are able to spend in game.

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Hi all,

Does anyone know if the three eye traits are actually a single trait or three separate ones? For example, I have a 'roo with Indigo/Diurnal/Clear. Can I breed out the "clear" trait separate from "indigo" and "diurnal"?

My own testing for far has been limited, but this morning I got a nest from an Indigo/Clear and Umbra/Clear which had Umbra/Dusty. It isn't enough to assume the traits are separate, but is one data point towards that assumption.

As far as "diurnal", I included it in my example only because it exists although I haven't heard of any other types but diurnal.

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On the hud when you look at "you" there is the name of your fellowship next to the fellowship name is a number in {} can anyone tell me what it is lol, it's driving me nuts

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Leona Jenkins's picture

Missing Meeroo

Can anyone help me please, im new to taking care of meeroo's..i have 5..unfortunatley 1 is missing, i crashed while i hugged one, i returned to sl but she was no longer in my arms..ive checked everything the ground my inventroy. i cant find her...the meeroo home is no longer showing her name, if anyone can help me locate her, or tell me how to i would be very greatful..many thanks
Leona Jenkins

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Can someone tell me where I am to go to get the food I bought and never got ?

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