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General Meeroos

Chiiirp! Birrrt! Purrrrrrrr!

MelitaMeeroo's picture

Twin Nests?

A pair who still showed as Immature in the HUD had a baby. In fact, they had two.

I got two emails about two nests with two different nest numbers.

But when I got there, there was only one nest. The other one was gone.

I took the SLurl in the email, I looked around, I hit 'find' on the stump. Nothing.

Could there have been two nests? Could one nest have vanished, the instant the second nest showed up?

What do you think happened?

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Is All our work going in Vain? That is my question to the meeroo staff and probably how everyone is feeling in the breedable market!!

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What is this Green box that says "Premium Content - Free Trial There will be an additional charge to view premium content." How do we get the Premium Account and what all do we have to do and How Much?

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Lucian Mixemup's picture


I know this topic has been brought up before, and there are some Treasure Monitors that are popping up, but I can't seem to find an answer. Is there or will there be API released for the Meeroos? I have a lot of ideas for tools and gadgets for them, but without API... they'll never leave the drawing board :(

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Jodokus Rasmuson's picture

Oracle Questions

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Rider Afterthought's picture

SpreadSheet HELP!

if you can see the file (spreadsheet)to download from your "you area" but yet lack a program to open the file with when you try to save it, here is a link to a portable program that is easier to work with than access openoffice excel etc.

you are looking for a application called blade runner.

if you need help please im me in world.

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Hi all...

I can see how this has been a topic of discussion.

I respect the people who have already had experience with breedables.

Unfortunately I seem to cross a large majority who are coming face to face with a uphill struggle to grasp information.

People say all the information is here on the forum and all you have to do is search.

But all I see is a mess of a FORUM, not a large enough Support Team to cater to all timezones (as far as Australia) and a lack of information on a pet that has a 60day reduced cycle.

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I am getting these messages a lot -

[11:10:33] WW of Meeroos HUD V1.0: You must wait a few seconds before petting another meeroo.
[11:10:33] WW of Meeroos HUD V1.0: You must wait a few seconds before petting another meeroo.
[11:10:34] WW of Meeroos HUD V1.0: You must wait a few seconds before petting another meeroo.
[11:10:34] WW of Meeroos HUD V1.0: You must wait a few seconds before petting another meeroo.
[11:10:34] WW of Meeroos HUD V1.0: You must wait a few seconds before petting another meeroo.

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Coconaught's picture


WTB: spot in high regard fellowship w/cheat sheet to power level me to max level so I can sell off my 3 day old "rare" meeroos for ridiculous prices! PST in world!!!

........*breaths deeply and relaxes* that's out of my system I feel better. Was a lot more fun than ranting :D

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My Lennart Meeroo went missing last night when I moved him. I filed a ticket and thought I would have to wait some days for help. But Lennart is back today, in spite of me giving support the wrong landmark and missing the IM they sent me.

Thank you very much from me and Lennart!

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