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A place to discuss the genetics of meeroos.

NicoleCreates's picture

Kimodo Possibilites?

Soooooo I figure my chances of pulling a kimodo from this pair is 2 out of 12 <_< or how ever many nest a meeroo poops out..But! I also know for a probable fact that most of the babies will either pull from the Terracotta Grandmother or maybe a Musimo! -_- Anyone have any ideas? Or perhaps what would be smarter to breed with this Kimodo or Terracotta to pull out that bushy tail on a nice coat?

Any help is greatly appreciated!


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There seems to be a great difference of opinion in the meerooo world over what is a trait and what isnt.So to try give an educated view I did what most of us did and looked up the words meaning in the dictionary.............humm not really much help there. many things can be deemed as a trait from personality to the way a bird nests..........

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So, way back when, I remember anxiously awaiting one of my first pre-order pairs to make their final nest. I was *sure* it was going to be something fantastic! I mean, I had loved and petted and held them and done everything right...right? The fact that I cannot even remember what it was should tell you that it was not remarkable.

Since then, I have had pairs that throw me good things regularly keep the trend til the end, and I have some that built me up to great expectations only to break my heart.

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I am more than 100% positive I know the answer, but just looking for some reassurance. I have two meeroos links posted below that will be my next canidates for breeding..

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icelandicdiva's picture

Sapphire Dune Meeroo

I got a new coat, it's a Sapphire dune, this is the link for who is interested in seeing it can Im me
icelandicdiva aura on sl
thanks :)

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dxcouch's picture

Great Coral

Just got it tonight when i logged. awesome!

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Yes,,I have a nest female friendly GreatCoralBurning(vst). What do I breed with this nest to ensure another Great Coral. Or should I try to sell this nest, ty all for your replies.

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I have a Female Friendly GreatCoralBurning(vst), and was wondering how much this coat and this specific trait would go for in the marketplace.Tysm for all your replies.

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Aeflrey's picture

New Coat- not mine =(

my friend just got this Welsh coat : Forest.. id 3171790
not yet loaded she got it yesturday.

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