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Some forums show date/time of last posting. Most show elapsed days and hours. Could you set it so they all use the same format? I find the elapsed time most useful since I rarely know the date :) and it means the fewest changes.
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When I attempt to access the website after a day or more of not looking at it, I keep getting told my password is incorrect. This has actually been happening to me for several weeks but I've just put up with it lol
I'm just wondering if others are experiencing the same issue and if there is a work around?
I also had a quick scan to see if there were any similar threads and couldn't find one so my apologies if there are :)
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As it does not appear to be documented anywhere (that I have found) my question is what the average turn around time for a submitted ticket is?
if this is documented, accept my apologies.
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when you release a nest it SAYS you get 250 regard but when you look at the hud nothing increases!
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I thought I noticed a few days ago that it seemed my Roos were eating much faster, but I dismissed it as just an error in my memory. But then this morning I logged in to find out many other people were having the same problem.
By my calculations, my own roos seems to suddenly be eating about 60% faster than they should be.
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I bought the dipper and attached it, clicked on Emmie, selected Mee-pet from the menu, copy/pasted her name and ID into chat, and nothing happened. Help! What did I do wrong? I've tried at least 6 times to Mee-pet her, and it just isn't working.
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So I've been watching my meeroos really closely lately as I started a new breeding attempt.
I have two meeroos on each stump, so I can watch them easily and know who is breeding with who, well anyway to the point.. My meeroos are on their own stumps, two per stump, all set to fellowship (roos and stumps)
for three days now I've logged on and found about four meeroos keep wandering over to a stump on the other side of the yard and joined that stump. The meeroos had already "Attached" to a different stump. How are they doing this?
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In less than a week I've had 2 nests not coax,then give a message that the sim was full and to try again in an hour.
Well in both cases after an hour the nest is still unclickable. The CSR came and coaxed the first one (thank you) and I've coaxed quite a few since, then today.. same thing again.
Could it be that the nest is reading temp rezzed prims? I have quite a few breedable plants that are temp rezz. So even tho I have over 300 free prims, if you counted the temp rezz ones the sim is probably over full.
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My Partner bought a pair of Meeroos, they have different but compatible personalities. We coaxed them on a day that when they turned 5 days old one would come out as peak and one as fall and thus, would still be able to breed when they changed.
We were gone for a few days, come back and they've skipped.
What is up with all these constant complaints about missed cycles and yet not even a formal response as to why it seems to be happening more and more.