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Your Questions

This is a place for the community to ask questions. We will read these once a week and respond in the FAQ Answers Thread that only staff can post in but everyone can read.

AriannaCortes Resident's picture


I would like to turn my female into a Meepet. How would I do this and how much would it cost. Can someone please help? I dont want a TON of meeroos no matter how adorable they are.

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is it true that to get further than cinders, ambers etc, you have to have bought an offspring from someone who got a good coat from the chest lottery? just wondering because i have been doing my breeding with just the meeroos i got in the beginning and i do get cinders & ambers but not anything else. not sure if those will eventually give me another new coat if i keep breeding them together or with other ones or if i need to buy something.

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Xs Vyper1's picture

Placing Roo in a Stump

Not really a question but perhaps an answer to those who have having trouble placing roos in a specific stump.

Sharing this work around n hope u guys find it helpful

*Place the nest next to the stump
*Coax (ofc)
*As soon as the little roo comes out...hit 'market mode'
*Let it sit there until it attach itself to the stump
*Dont forget to remove the roo from market mode

That's it

lol . u guys have no idea how it aggravates me fighting with roo's who refuses to go the stump i have chosen.

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I've now missed two of your 24 hour flash sales because I didn't get the group notice. First the Oracle and now the awesome black Egyptian meeroo statue. It would be really great if you could have 48 hour sales and also post something on the website when you do this. I've been trying to collect all the statues and I try to remember to go to the group and check to see what notices I missed but 24 hours is just not enough time. If I miss out on the Wizard statue I'm going to cry.

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Bernard Rhiano's picture

simple hud

would it be possible to make some different huds.
some people only need the status tab, not playing the oracle or interested in stats.
or make it possible to hide functions.

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I am wondering if I can teleport around SL with my Meeroo, without any danger of it getting lost in the process.

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When a Meeroo loses his fellowship association and the HUD will not restore it, what is to be done?

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This was posted by Catherine on 9/9/11 on another post:

"The group was closed enrollment temporarily because we had several people going down the list of members and sending them solicitations and advertisements. We also had some coming in explicitly to inflame or upset the participants. They would be ejected, rejoin, be ejected and rejoin. We closed it that evening to stop them. We definitely plan to reopen it now that Nola, our new chat Moderator is with us."

The group still seems to be closed enrollment, will it be reopened?

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Hey Cathrine i have a question about treasure,

first: why dont the dryads dig gold treasure,im on around 16 hrs aday and had alot of dryads and not once had a gold one off them,

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I have gotten the pet-o-matic now am just wanting to choose a battery, but have a question before I purchase one. The batter that is $575, each charge provides 24 pets per day for 7 days, comes with 168 additional charges. Does this mean, each charge lasts 7 days (which is a week), and thre's 168 charges, therefore, this battery will last for 168 weeks??

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