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A place to discuss the genetics of meeroos.

Sippie Andel's picture

4 different coats

I have a red pair that have produced together to date 4 coats:

1 Sierra
2 Highlands
2 Ambers
1 Autumn

The male had one other nest with an Ursine, which produced a fawn.

So, I'm a little surprised at the variety thrown. Are the rest of you experiencing multiple coats?

Here are the parents of the above if you care to take a look:

Candycider (gen 4)

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Faye Huntress's picture


I was wondering what the newest traits that were out there for the roos. If anyone could let me know that would be great.

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I was wondering since I'm kinda new where to go on this site to view more stats on a nest or meero? cause i havent found it

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Hello everyone! I'm new to the World of Meeroos and I've heard numerous times about finding a Meeroos family tree on this website. I haven't been able to figure out how to go about this on my own. Can anyone help me out, please? It'd be appreciated! Thanks! =D

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Charmed's picture

Find Generation?

I was wondering if there was a way when a nest is born to find the generation of the nest, or is that only way is to go in the site and look in the roos details?

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adira's picture


okay i was told that if your regard is high you will be able to unlock or breed special meeroos. the higher your regard is in your fellowship or your personal regard you can have special nests? is this true. or is it just random?

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Putting this in genetics because this is not about sorting for display/sale but for those of you who are storing nests for the right partner or whatever to come along.

I have no faith in SL inventory so I prefer to keep them rezzed, and have been sorting by gender and coat, then lining up the sizes from small to large but I am looking to see if others have tips and tricks.

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Lillith's picture

My Horde -_-

This 2 links is from my best breeding pair as what ive seen, i bought bot when they where in season because i was a bit bored and thought i would find a mate for another one who wasnt realy mature get and then saw the fawn inseason and thought why not, and maybe i get a red, as i hoped!

Female Fawn,Kica

The Red Male,Kucco

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I am just curious how many that were NOT in beta testing have gotten a new or rare coat or trait???

I would really like to know if you have gotten them and were not in beta testing, as I am trying to see if I have a glimmer of hope to get one!

Also, what regard were you on when you got them?

Beta Testers, please post what you have gotten too!

I am just doing a survey to see what the percentages are!

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Gidget Gloom's picture

Pine Coat Lineup

I don't know if this has been addressed but I am curious - from what everyone sees in the market and personal experience: What is the lineup for pine coats from least to most rare? I am torn between Wine to Autumn to Sierra OR Wine to Sierra to Autumn.

I started with several more Autumns over Sierras which led me to believe Sierra to be less common, but now I don't know.

Any thoughts?

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