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This is a place for the community to ask questions. We will read these once a week and respond in the FAQ Answers Thread that only staff can post in but everyone can read.

joseythreebeards's picture

Meeroo Stump problems

I am new to the world of meeroos and I am trying to setup the meeroo that i have to a stump and it is not working could someone please help me figure this out so that i can give my meeroo a home? thank you.

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Hi there! When I search one of my meeroos now, I'm no longer able to simply CTRL-A, then CTRL-C to select all and copy a meeroo's details, along with their parents' details as I was previously able to do. Has this feature been disabled?

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morganlefray's picture

The Darkside Meeroos

Does anyone know whether they have a date for releasing these meeroos yet please?

Kind regards

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hi, I searched the site and didn't see this addressed as of yet. I am wondering why my Terracottas are not listed in the 'coats' section of the Tome? I birthed them, all animations loaded, they've even had a few nests already but still not listed in the Tome. Any ideas?

I have used IE, Chrome and firefox in case it made a difference but terracotta is still missing.

thank you!

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Windchyme Shepherd's picture

Meepet Issues

I put several meepets in my inventory for prim reasons...when they came out they were starved with red text...fair enough. They have sat 24 hours with food now and not a thing has changed...not too enthused with the red hovertext. I was assuming because they were meepetted not only would they not run away from starvation but that when put in front of food within a reasonable time period that they would eat their honey and their hovertext would go normal.Apparently is not so.

Or am I not waiting long enough??? That red hovertext is really not a happy thing.


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Skyclimber's picture

My Tome...

I've noticed that some of the Meeroo's I own (whether live or still in nest) are not listed in my tome. In addition, I have two long manes breeding and yet my tome does not show me as discovering one yet. Also, I find that in the "Coats" section, there does not seem to be any order to how the coats are listed... Can someone give me a brief explanation of how the tome works, how often it updates, and the order of each section is structured? Thanks in advance!

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Bubble's picture

Genealogy Form

Hi Again!!

I've been looking through all the charts and graphs, and wondered if there is a genealogy form that you have for people to print out to keep track of their Meeroos' history? If you don't, I might take on that huge task....

Let me know, I'm gathering some forms from online and trying to get the best ones to gather together and compile them into my software.



Oh, and how do I go back and take my e-mail out of the other message I posted?

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cwypaco's picture


How can two Meeroos who made a nest together 5 days ago not come into their breeding cycles at the same time? How can one enter its cycle on time, while the other is now somehow 6 hours behind?

This isn't a big deal, I'm just asking the question. I'd like to know why this happens.

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I was wondering if the level cap had been raised from level 25. I released some Roos this week and my HUD looks a bit weird. It says I have 175, 188/ 135,000.

It keeps going up when I find treasures and when I pet other Roos . But my level never raises even though I appear to have enough to go to another level.

I know level cap was 25 and it was going to be raised. If it wasn't that explains what is going on, my level will simply change when cap is raised. If level cap was raised than I have a weird mistake on my HUD.

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