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Zinia Quan's picture

Un-coaxable nests

Before I ask, YES, I have filed a ticket.

I am getting many un-coaxable nests, dead, will not bring up a menu when touched. I have taken them to other sims, still no go.

Can anyone explain this?

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Kira Darmoset's picture

Recent communication

A little while ago I asked in a thread for more communication BUT I asked for maybe a once weekly post from a member of the team whoever it maybe and gave a lil example (where moxie coulda teased us about the Easter stuff before it came). A few people said it was a horrible idea and we didn't need this...... We so did over the past few days it seems MS have taken my suggestion and run with it. We have had posts from lots of different members of the team, I just wanted to say thank you for this.

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Emelie Greywolf's picture

Finally more Lore!!

For anyone who hasn't seen this yet, here is more of the Lore we have been waiting for

Thanks Chimeric and MS for a wonderful story to get our imaginations flowing and adding to the Lore which is really what drew me to the Meeroos in the first place.

Love it!! Am so excited now. However long it takes, I am happy to wait patiently to finally meet one of these amazing creatures and study it!!

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I'm missing the description of the Bengals Sunfire coat in the tome here on the forum. The Zari's is there, just Sunfire is empty.

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Sippie Andel's picture

My final feedback

"How was your dining experience Dear Patron?"

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stainlessteelrat solo's picture

just a suggestion

Hire a business manager to run your company .

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I just got two plushies from the egg vendors and oh wow they are adorable! I really would like to see real ones in the Meeroo store. You think you guys could do that? I bet you would get tons of sales. Many people love the roos for their cuteness and frankly, a shirt or a mug doesn't really portray the cuteness. Though the drawing is adorable!

Post here if you agree with me and give a different reason if you have one. Let's see this happen!

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i see a lot of sellers of meeroos that have some very nice information boards on them ... ive looked on the market for them asked some ppl who breed them but no one will give me a link or a lm to find them...

im speaking of the one that has similar colors as your sight here..

has tabs that you can click to check diffrent coats, traits ect

if you dont know what i speak of go to crazy roos

ive asked one of your ?? helpers this wkend at the main sight on sl.......... her reply was look on the market for them..

not very helpful i thought

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Amberly Bracken's picture


At the risk of getting some impaitents undies in a knot, I wanted to thank you guys for the AWESOME easter stuff thats out. Cant wait to get them all. SO CUTE!!!!

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Thing2 Wikifoo's picture


Ok so CSR's cant breed and sell Meeroos. But the Mother of all roos can. I have been To her Island at Dream Land and she has new roos the day there discovered. Am I the only one that doesn't see this as a conflict of interest.

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