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A place to discuss the genetics of meeroos.

celestepaule's picture

What's your secret?

I've been backbreeding Highlands like crazy lately and I can't move past them! I came around late in the game and I easily moved up from starters, but now I'm stuck! I've tried adding in new genes, backbreeding, pit breeding... I swear there has to be some magic button on the pad of the left hind foot of every third male that I'm not seeing here!
Sincerely - Feeling discouraged sitting next to my best friend who is magically sneezing terracottas every time she blinks.

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Sdeez Rhapsody's picture

My My My....

Who would have thought that by adding new bllod and switching partners would have landed me this:

I'm still estatic!!! Not the very top of the Savanna species, but still good for their second nest... Trying to figure out what to mate with him. The highest I bred to was Niles, my first ever for a Savanna line...


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Josephina Bonetto's picture


Just tried hunting out the old Loch thread but can't see it (not enough coffee).

This nest, which arrived today, is the reward for my Loch breeding efforts:

Loch, monsoon clear, with a short tail.

No clue who to breed her with.

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Up to now, have not discovered any masked higher than emperor through my breeding strategies. But apart from my projects trying to advance coats, I have also been trying to get some traits into my koi and emperors.

This pairing was intended to pass on the ST on emperors, as I have a couple from this family line now, but instead I was surprised by a ST azure!!!

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Dangerous Scientist's picture

Patience pays off!

I've been woking quite hard adding traits to my roos, an areas I haven't really played with until the last month or so.

I have several stumps full of experiments with varying degrees of success, and now - looks like it has paid off.

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alyria80's picture

Petting Geishas Works!

You all laughed at me when I combed markets looking for someone's Geisha to rub for luck. You thought I was crazy. You thought I was silly. Well the proof is in the pudding.

BOOYAH! I actually had a string of crap nests, and couldn't find a Geisha to pet for luck, so I actually asked in WWOM if someone had a Geisha I could pet. A nice man dressed as an Azure let me pet his Geisha, and his Congo, Pharaoh and Sakura, just in case the luck was hiding in a different coat this week.

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I am convinced the starter lottery chests are trying to regress while everyone is trying to progress. thoughts?

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Asmita's picture


Ok, I am beginner in the world of meeroos. But I am studying the Mendelian chart again and again and would really like to know, why I am getting one ursine coat after the other one out of a couple, that is winecoat and painted and has no ursine in each ancestor line. Can anybody here answer that question for me?

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Current estimated Breeding Population: 140708
as of 2011-10-20 22:00:03

Net gain(loss) over previous week: (1584)

Estimated active players: 2931
based on 48 breeding Meeroos per player

See graphic for population analysis.

See graphic for cycle-to-cycle change analysis.

Prior week estimated Breeding Population: 142292
as of 2011-10-15 22:00:00



* Significant shift in population trend estimate.

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Natasha Shoteka's picture


I know its not much but I scored a azure listening here, plotting and planning.

I actually expected a kabuki until I realized this morning that the muffins chart was (might) be incorrect and my tome was correct (maybe).

either way, I planned this sucker!

Everyone has great idea's - but Chilali stands the most out in my mind. Thank you!

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