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Meeroo Nest ID #802838

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After a problem on the grid when my meeroo create nest i just see at my return : Baby ready

The "Coax" work but the problem is on the site :

Before this nest, an other appears and not correspond with the baby in sl:

Sorry bad english

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TayaCarver's picture

Not getting regard?

I'm only getting regard when I pet someone elses meeroos. When I pet my own meeroos I am not getting any regard. I have tried restarting SL a and detaching and reattaching HUD.

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Eversky Aeon's picture

Baby Ready Nest?

I just had a nest 'born' and when I came to check the nest, all it said was the parents names and under that is "Baby Ready". The nest has no meeroo ID number or stats. o.o Is this a bug or... or what? I have heard that sometimes the parents make the nest early but both the parents stay 'too soon' under their breeding status now instead of in season like they were.

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helps i have a meeroo that doesnt curl when it's asleep.It's eyes shut but it just stands it doesnt do the cute curl up
i've tried rebuilding it, that doesnt work i dont know if this is a bug or what can i have some help pls

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ok im not happy atm i just released a roo and while i was doing so i was answering a oracle question i knew the answer hit no but the question changed just as i hit no and obviously the answer wasnt no this time which just blew my 578 streak thankyou that only took me 3 weeks to get wat a waste of time,

every time u release a roo the question changes it needs sorting,

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MadLadC's picture

Baby Ready

I couldnt see any topics about this but when I logged in today I found a new nest only to find out that its broken. The nest is showing the parents names and under that is says Baby Ready. There is nothing on the HUD when I touch the nest also.

Can someone help me with this please.

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Larenda.'s picture

Lost Meero

I put in a ticket for my lost meeroo. My honestead rebooted and she was gine when it came back up. Do i need to turn on build and scripts in my land settings for the CSR to bring her back?

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I originally owned this meeroo, before selling it to my husband, Raymond. We are in fellowship, so his meeroo and mine share the same stump and food bowl. His meeroo has never gone to him and asked him to pick it up for a cuddle. It comes to me, and at first, there wasn't a name in the chat...who it was asking, but now it asks for Raymond to cuddle it, even if he's not there, and whether he's there or not, it comes to me to ask.
He has done a rebuild 3 times. After the last time, it at least started asking "Raymond" for a cuddle, but it's still coming to me.

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Just wanted to let you know that petting is not working with the newest main viewer.Second Life Viewer 2.8.0. Everything else on the hud works fine.

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