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General Meeroos

Chiiirp! Birrrt! Purrrrrrrr!

Kelindra Talamasca's picture

Oracle Song questions

I recently saw on miss quoted song lyric and thought of a few through the years. The earliest is Jimmy Hendrics the miss heard lyric is "Excuse me while i kiss this guy"... he isnt saying that, he is saying "Excuse me while i kiss the sky". So more songs wrong please for laughs

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Gloomy's picture

males drop nests?

I caught me meeroo dropping a nest and its male lol made my day!!

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Spritz Azov's picture

Fun video of Meeroos

^^ On Youtube the Meeroos of Reiyel

I hope do you like. Ty very much

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VixonMeridoc's picture


How often do meeroos dig?
What can have you found so far and what is the regard?

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frogg fackler's picture

Sleeping Meeroos

Hopefully i'm posting in the right place the past several days all my meeroos have been sleeping and don't appear to have moved at all is there a way to wake their sleepy heads up?

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Keila Forager's picture


Any place I can go to see what traits are found and what they look like?

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Yes French people are playing on Second Life too, yes they have Horses, cats and dogs and Certainly they have Meeroos.

I don't know if my english is correct ( i hope to make more progress later.

Les Français sont connus pour être râleur ! Les Meeroos sont surement une aide à les guérir alors Ouvrons nos maisons à ces charmants animaux.

Ouvrons nos forums aux français aussi et espérons qu'ils seront nombreux à venir discuter , s'informer et se mettre en relation avec tout les autres éleveurs et amoureux des meeroos.
A vos PLumes chers amis !

Buppp riiiiiiiiiii piiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

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Shops For rent !
Do you need a cozy home for your meeroos to live? or out of prims?
STOP ! dont look any further! we got exactly what they need :)
A cozy warm cabin to feel at home in a meeroo friendly place.
Your allways welcome to join our fellowship. Don't wait to long before all the homes are rented.
First week free!
Rentalprice: 200 L$ --- 100 prims
or im leeuwie Shepherd or Casava Cimino

Taxonomy upgrade extras: far my experience...

So I buy 4 packs of Meeroos, 20000L plus spent, only because some genius who designed this figured giving you a pack of 6 males at a time, a pack of 4 males to 2 females t one time, all with no special traits, all with dusty eyes, no teacup or giants, and then they tell you to trade, problem is no one wants the plain normal meeroos, oooops guess your out of luck and out of money.

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There is a group call the Anti-Meeroo Fellowship -
Natas Sinister (gotta be an alt) Clint Saxondale & Ethan Stillwater. Reported as driving up prices in auctions. The group profile shows you their aims, so be aware auctioneers!

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