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This is a place for the community to ask questions. We will read these once a week and respond in the FAQ Answers Thread that only staff can post in but everyone can read.

jus curious
heres mine


imma thinking of coaxing with nocs when they come,, good idea or not?

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princessrose faerye's picture

cant release nest?

new one for me...

[04:03] Meeroo Nest ID #4826134: ERROR|Sorry, this meeroo is not available to be released to the wild right now.

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Gloomy's picture

Addressing Region Idle

My meeroos do not nest if my avatar is not in the SIM and changing servers isn't a possibility since LL will be doing this grid wide. This is a very big issue as it throws off breeding schedule and just plain incontinent. Will the upcoming stump update address region idle?

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Those of us who breed and sometimes sell our roos are all familiar with the current trend towards crashing prices and nests sitting gathering dust on shelves for weeks on end. Blame (rightly or wrongly) has been placed on the shoulders of Malvey, greedy buyers, greedy sellers, the planets being out of alignment... and many other factors. So tonight I found myself needing a live female for a little man who had come into season without me remembering his last wifey had already turned elderly.

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so last night ,, i had just picked up 40 odd roos,, and my region went down for maintanence,, i logged bakc in bit later,, and my region restarted,,
anywya i logged back in and started getting meaasges,,, sl create dulpicate nest balh balh blah,, anyway then i lost my inernet connection,

so today i log in and i ahve maybe 30 roos in world and in my inventry still...

do i jsut delte them from my inventry? i rezzed one and it said missed meals,, so i dont wnat to feding them twice,,
if i just delte from inventry will i be ok?


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I have bought a travel water bottle with the colourful meeroo logo, but I would really love to get a T-shirt and mug and some other stuff.

I don't really like the white stuff. That meeroo just doesn't appeal to me at all.

So, I was wondering if there is any chance of getting some T-shirts and other stuff with a different meeroo logo, maybe a LDE or Button ear roo with a nice coat. (I love them all so I don't care which coat, but I would like a cuter looking meeroo, more like they look inworld, even maybe adding a nocturnal roo to some of the products also).

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But I will ask....

I have two Roos, both Friendly and coaxed at the same time and they are not related as well, 100 percent comfort, etc, did not give me their first nest at all.

See attached:

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