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Markets - My observations

Rosie Lavochkin's picture

Those of us who breed and sometimes sell our roos are all familiar with the current trend towards crashing prices and nests sitting gathering dust on shelves for weeks on end. Blame (rightly or wrongly) has been placed on the shoulders of Malvey, greedy buyers, greedy sellers, the planets being out of alignment... and many other factors. So tonight I found myself needing a live female for a little man who had come into season without me remembering his last wifey had already turned elderly.

I headed out on the grid, money in hand, longing to spend some Lindens on a nice sapphire or goldleaf lady. Two hours later I came home, still with my money in hand, a storming headache and needing something a little stronger than coffee to calm my shattered nerves. It's been quite some time since I did the rounds of the meeroo markets out there, usually I go no further than the auction areas. And zOMGah!!! what a horrible experience 'roo shopping can be!

Market after market was awash to the point of nausea with animated prims (it was sleep time for the roos, so it wasn't them), noise, particles, slowing rezzing mega sculpties, swirling glowing astro domes enclosing entire sims and other visual eyesores, many of which contributed to really nasty amounts of lag, slow rez times, and other off putting experiences. As I struggled walking past garish stand after eye bleeding stand, I was assaulted with chat spam from auto greeters and buried under an avalanch of proffered landmarks and group joins.

So here's a small suggestion from a failed shopper for both market owners and stall holders. Drop the bling and glitz and the "BUY ME NAO" approach - and let the quality of your meeroos speak for themselves. Make shopping a pleasant and peaceful experience, instead of aiming for "Las Vegas meets Acid Trip" and you might even find yourself making more sales.

Sorry for the tl;dr rant... I'm going to lay down with a cold compress over my eyes now *.*

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